


Call for Papers


Emerging Events

2024 AAAI Fall Symposium on Large Language Models for Knowledge Graph and Ontology Engineering

(Preliminary) Call for Papers

Large Language Models for Knowledge Graph and Ontology Engineering
2024 AAAI Fall Symposium

Large Language Models (LLMs) and Knowledge Graphs (KGs) are highly trending. The interplay between these two technologies can go both ways, but the two directions are quite different in approach. This symposium specifically focuses on how LLMs can be used as tools to augment the extant capacity for ontology and knowledge graph engineering. Knowledge Graph Engineering (KGE) and Ontology Engineering (OE – together KG/OE) challenges in particular have to do with the (to date still) high involvement of humans and human expert in the KG/OE life cycle, including creation/modeling, alignment, evolution, reusability (from both ontological commitment and accessibility perspectives). The KG/OE communities have made steady progress in the past 20 years, but only now with LLMs, key KG/OE challenges appear to become addressable at scale.

The goal of this symposium to focus and coordinate research. We wish to create a space and foundational community for the sharing of ideas for prompt engineering, fine-tuning, neurosymbolic approaches, quality control, and human-in-the-loop methods: all with LLMs for OE/KGE.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

Format of the Symposium: The program will consist of presentations of accepted full papers, posters, lightning talks, keynotes, and significant time for panel and plenary discussions.

Submission Types of papers:

Important Dates for submissions:

Concurrent Submission and Recently Published Policy for Submission: It is appropriate to submit a short paper or lightning talk which is based on work submitted concurrently to another venue, as well as if it has been recently accepted for published in another venue if and only if the program committee is made aware of the scenario via the comment/note system in the submission portal. Such papers will not be included in the proceedings, but will still go through a peer review process as a sanity check. This policy will allow us to drive wider discussion on our topics.

Symposium Committee: